Free Smalltalk Compilers and Interpreters

Compilers for the Smalltalk Programming Language

Free Smalltalk Compilers and Interpreters

Smalltalk is an object-oriented, reflective programming language that features dynamic types. It was originally named Smalltalk-80 by its creators, Adele Goldberg, Dan Ingalls and Alan Kay, but has since been standardized as ANSI Smalltalk in 1998. This page lists free compilers and interpreters for the language.

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Free Smalltalk Compilers and Interpreters


Strongtalk is an open source implementation of Smalltalk-80 that has a strong static type system and supposedly executes Smalltalk code faster than any other implementation. It was originally developed by a small company that was acquired by Sun Microsystems, Inc. The latter eventually released the software, complete with source code, under the revised BSD licence. The developer says that Strongtalk is currently in a pre-alpha release state, and is not ready for production use. In spite of that, it's listed here because there seems to be some interesting ideas in their implementation (namely the static types), and it actually already works and is moderately stable. Note though that, as at the date of this review, there does not seem to be any development work done since 2010 (with the last release in 2006).


SqueakJS is a Squeak/Smalltalk implementation written in JavaScript. Its virtual machine allows you to execute unmodified Squeak images on a web page without needing a plugin. It also has a visual debugger and an optional just-in-time (JIT) compiler. It works in all modern browsers and is open source software, released under the MIT licence.


Squeak is an open source Smalltalk implementation that runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It generates code for a virtual machine, the SqueakVM, which is included. It was originally developed by Apple.

GNU Smalltalk

GNU Smalltalk is an implementation of the Smalltalk programming language. It runs on most POSIX compatible operating systems, including Linux. Like all things GNU, it is open source. The site only provides the source code.

Sharp Smalltalk

#Smalltalk, or Sharp Smalltalk, is (as you may have guessed from its name) a Smalltalk compiler for the .NET framework. It allows you to use classes from the .NET framework in your Smalltalk program. Its class library is "mostly compatible with the ANSI Smalltalk standard" (to quote from the site).

Dolphin Smalltalk

This is a free version of the Dolphin Smalltalk development system. This is a Windows program. Executables can be downloaded from the releases page.

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