Free Online Web-Based WYSIWYG HTML Editor JavaScripts

Embed a WYSIWYG Web Editor into your Website

Free Online Web-Based WYSIWYG HTML Editor JavaScripts

Embed an HTML editor or a WYSIWYG web editor into your web site free of charge with the JavaScript code listed on this page. These scripts allow you to place an editor that allows your visitor to either create and edit HTML code using a WYSIWYG web interface or simply just write rich text with bold, underline, italics, font changes, etc, using a web interface. It is useful if you are creating an online application that requires the use of an online editor but don't want to spend a lot of time rolling your own.

You should note carefully the supported browsers for each of these scripts before deploying them, since some of them only support Internet Explorer ("IE"). In this age where IE is no longer always the majority browser in use, support for other browsers like Firefox and Chrome may be important for your site, depending on your site's demographics.

Important: if you are looking for a web editor to create your own website, you're on the wrong page. Please check the Free HTML Editors and WYSIWYG Web Editors page instead. You should also read the How to Make a Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide which takes you through all the steps of creating a website.

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WYMeditor New

WYMeditor calls itself a What You See Is What You Mean (notice the "Mean" instead of "Get") editor, although from what I can tell using the online demo, it functions like a normal online WYSIWYG editor. It generates XHTML strict code and works on modern browsers (but you should read their Requirements section, since if you have any visitor using IE8, you will need to get an additional package). The script is open source (dual MIT and GPL licences).

Xinha: Open Source Online HTML Editor

Xinha, pronounced as "Xena" like in the TV series, is a WYSIWYG HTML component that you can embed into your website. It supposedly works in all browsers and is released under the BSD licence. It also has a plugin architecture, so you can insert plugins into the editor to support additional features.

TinyMCE JavaScript Content Editor

TinyMCE is a JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor. It creates customizable XHTML 1.0 code, has international language support, able to save and load content, has a gzip compressor for PHP, .NET, JSP and ColdFusion, and supports a wide variety of browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE and Safari. The code is open source and is released under the LGPL. It is used in a few free content management systems and blogging software.

BlueShoes Browser-Based WYSIWYG Editor (DHTML, JavaScript)

BlueShoes JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor is an HTML and text editor using JavaScript and DHTML that you can embed into your web page. Unfortunately, it only supports Internet Explorer and can only be used on sites where you own at least 20% of the content. It has support for special characters, has a color picker widget, allows you to edit HTML code, handles text formatting like bold, italics and underline, allows the insertion of images and links, and the editor window can be resized.

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