Free Open Source Project Hosting Services

Project hosting for open source / free software

Free Open Source Project Hosting Services

The facilities listed on this page provide free hosting for software projects, particularly open source software. This usually includes the provision of some sort of version control system for your source code, thereby allowing distributed development, a bug tracker (or "issue tracker" as some prefer to call it), and either a web page or some sort of wiki for your project. Some of them also allow you to upload pre-compiled binaries (executables) of your project for distribution, and the more established hosts come with mirrors for those packages to reduce the load on a single server if your project is popular.

Note that unless stated otherwise, you should assume that these free software hosting facilities reserve the right to place advertisements on your site. There are also limitations on the licences that you may use with many (if not all) of these services.

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Free / Open Source Software Project Web Hosts New provides free hosting for free software, free culture and free content projects. The content that you place there must be released under one of a number of approved free distribution licences, including the GNU General Public License, GNU Lesser General Public License, GNU Free Documentation License, Open Publication License, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike, Free Art License, and others. It must also be non-commercial and not have any advertising. You can either use their subdomain or use your own domain for your project. Other services provided include mailing list, forums, SSH, MySQL, wiki, version control (SVN and CVS), etc.

OSDN: Open Source Development Network

OSDN provides free source code hosting for open source projects. You can use SVN, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and CVS for your version control. Other features include a mailing list, bug tracker, forum, wiki, release file download service, shell access, permanent file archive, backup, etc. You can even get your own domain name and link it with your project, so that your software site appears under your own domain.


GitHub provides free hosting for open source projects. In spite of its name, Git is not the only source code management facility that you can use for your project; the repository also supports SVN. The service comes with an issue tracker, has support for collaborative code reviews, hosting for a website, etc.

SourceForge - Open Source Software Development

SourceForge is probably one of the most well-known web host for open source software. They provide CVS and SVN version control facilities for you to check in your source code. They have a file release facilities through which you offer files and packages for download. Your released packages or files will be mirrored on many file servers across the world. You can also create a website for your project, track bugs, get statistics for your project, collect donations, create user-help forums, mailing lists, and so on. Your project has to be released under one of their approved list of open source licences. In addition, once you check in your code into their system, you will not be able to delete it.

Launchpad - Free Software Hosting and Development Website

Canonical, the organisation behind the well-known Ubuntu Linux distribution, also runs a free software project hosting facility called Launchpad. The latter provides CVS and SVN source code version control, a mailing list with public archives, bug tracking, etc. Your software must be distributed under one of the approved open source licences.

GNU Savannah and Non-GNU Savannah

Savannah hosts software projects that are either part of the GNU Project, or GNU software, or are free software that runs on free operating systems like Linux and the BSDs. Your software must be open source with no proprietary dependencies. This project host provides a bug tracker, CVS, GIT, etc.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Housing

[Update: has closed.] Microsoft's open source project housing, CodePlex, provides hosting for open source code software projects. Source code is checked into their server using either SVN or one of the other suggested clients listed on their site. You also get a wiki for your project. There is a file size limitation of 100 MB.

Tigris - Open Source Software Engineering

[Update: no longer accepts new projects.] Projects hosted on Tigris must fit into the their mission of providing open source software engineering tools. Your licence also has to be one of the OSI approved open source licences. To get your project hosted here, you will have to apply to their administrators with a proposal for your software. The host provides CVS access, an issue tracking tool, etc.

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