Free Blog Hosts / Free Bloggers

Free Blogging Web Hosts

Free Blog Web Hosts (Free Blogging Web Hosts)

A web log, hence "blog" (where the last letter of "web" is concatenated with "log"), is something like an online journal or diary. It is basically a website where you post articles or journal entries about anything you wish. What makes blogs popular is presumably the ease with which it is done. The entire website is generated and maintained for you by the blogging software. All you need to do is to post your entries, and everything else is taken care of. The free blog hosting services here provide you with the space to place your blogs as well as the online services to create those blogs for you. You need only post.

If you are wondering about the difference between such a host and a normal web host, please see Should I Use a Specialized Blog Host or Install My Own Blog Software?

Unless otherwise stated, you should probably assume that all the free blog services listed here are advertisement-supported. That is, your blog entries will probably have advertisements placed by the blog host (to finance their operation).

Note that while free blogging hosts are fine for the occasional blogger who doesn't mind his/her blog unexpectedly disappearing as a result of the free blog host closing down, along with the massive problems that accompany it, you may want to consider getting your own domain name and using a commercial web host if you are serious about blogging. At the very least, buying your own domain name will help to minimize the disruptions that occur when you're forced to move from one web host to another. That is, instead of using the services listed here, you can then install your own blogging software (which are free) on your site.

For those who don't mind paying, and are looking for most of the facilities a normal web host provides but the convenience of having everything managed for you, one possibility is DreamHost's Managed WordPress Hosting plan. Note that there may be other commercial web hosts with such an option as well.

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Free Blog Hosting Services


Google's Blogger provide you with both the hosting as well as the online interface that you can use to create and maintain your blogs. Your blog has an address like, although if you have bought your own custom domain, you can use it for your blog for free. The site lets you choose from a variety of templates, which you can customize to your liking.

Unlike the situation where you install WordPress on your own web host, getting an account here gives you a fully working WordPress blog with little fuss. The blog comes with built-in statistics that tell you the number of visitors you have and the pages they visit, themes that you can choose from, spam protection, the ability to make regular pages as well as blog posts, the ability to export your blog posts and comments for backup, support for multiple authors, etc. There are some limitations however: you cannot place any advertisements on your web page, nor can you put any JavaScripts (including those supplied by free web statistics services), and the videos that you are allowed to post in your blog are limited to a select few video sharing sites that the host allows. You are also limited to 3 GB of uploads for your files.


Your blogs have a web address (URL) with your username as a prefix, eg,, although, if you have obtained your own domain name, you can associate it with your blog. You are given a selection of themes to choose, although you need to be careful because some of them cost money to use (the price is stated on the thumbnail picture of the theme if it is not free). The user interface seems to be designed primarily for the mobile user. Along with your blog post, you can insert a photo (limited to 10 MB per file with a maximum of 10 photos per post), embed an audio file (limited to one per day with a 10 MB size limit per file), upload your own videos (5 mins of video per day, subject to a maximum of 100 MB per file; no information given about the supported file types, at the time I write this) or just embed a video hosted on a third party video web host like YouTube.

Live Journal

You can post to this blog host either through its website using its online interface or through a desktop client software, which you can download. The latter allows you to post easily from your desktop while the former provides you with the option of posting from any browser. This blog host allows you to customize the appearance of your blog, post photos, create a community, allows your visitors to post comments on your blog, etc. It automatically generates newsfeeds for your blog.

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